Progress Report

The excavation company has worked on grading around the west side of the site, including the west retaining wall and the sanctuary building pad, along with rock excavation. The concrete contractor prepped and poured the foundation walls for the admin wing and worked on the footings for the same area. Density testing was conducted on areas where fill had been placed, as well as at the bottom of the children’s wing footing excavations. Data and primary power conduits for the admin wing have been started along with digging for the Entergy primary power pull box. Inspection for the below-grade sewer rough-in at the children’s wing passed and excavation for the below-grade sewer lines at the admin wing has also begun.

Progress Report

The excavation company has finished the admin wing building pad. They continue grading along the south side of the building, as well as the parking lot and west side green space areas. The children's wing perimeter footing has been dug, and work is being done to tie the rebar for the foundation.

Progress Report

The excavation company made significant progress on the construction site, finishing the building pad for the children's wing and nearly completing the admin wing pad. They also focused on grading the green space areas on the north, east, and west sides, while tackling rock excavation near the breezeway in the admin wing. They have also worked on grading for the west retaining wall. Rebar for the children's wing has been delievered and the foundation digging will begin shortly!

Land Clearing

You might not see it as you're passing by on Chenal Pkwy, but things are definitely happening on our property! Michael gets some updates from our Kinco Constructors superintendent and shares about a neat project Modus Studio is going to do with some of the trees from the land!

(Remember, this is an active construction site. We will have opportunities in the coming months to take visitors on site so stay tuned!)

Kinco Onsite

We are excited and grateful to share that our contractors have taken over the site!

As we have in each phase, we want to continue this journey to our new home prayerfully:

  • GRATITUDE: Give God thanks for all He has done to this point and for what He continues to do! He is so faithful!
  • FAVOR: Ask God for His favor on this project. For the safety of and blessings over the construction crews and the opportunity for us to impact their lives. Pray for the project to be on time and under budget.
  • GENEROSITY: Our church has been incredibly generous with the Rooted Campaign alongside regular tithes, offerings, and giving towards special mission projects. Pray God would continue to work through our people and provide new supporters.