Current Cost & Updated Timeline

Michael Loudermilk shares the answers to four common questions about where we are with our Rooted Campaign and the building progress:

  • Why the delay?
  • What is the current cost?
  • When will we start?
  • How will it look?

+ sneak peeks of the lobby and C3 Kids wing!

Finances & Timeline

Our Executive and Missions Pastor shared an encouraging update about the Lord's provision in our Rooted Campaign, along with some details about what's going on behind the scenes right now as well as what is happening on the property itself!

We have also reached a very important time for our architects and contractors. Will shares more about this in his update and we'd ask for you to join us in prayer for the following:

  • Praise for God's blessing and provision this year
  • Vision, joy, and endurance in the season ahead
  • Wisdom and unity to navigate the next steps

Finances and Ground Breaking

Update on Design, Finances & Timing

A sneak peek at our new sanctuary plus our Lead Pastor, Michael Loudermilk, shares an update on the design, financial state, and timing of our new church building.